The leading provider of menopause workplace services

You don’t need to be an expert in menopause to create a menopause friendly workplace. Partner with the experts.

The Menopause Friendly Accreditation was launched by Menopause in the Workplace Ltd in 2021. They’ve been providing specialist solutions for large and small employers in the UK, across all industries, since 2016. So you know you’re receiving tried, tested and trusted support.

Join the inspirational employers taking action today.

Our story

Menopause Friendly Australia is the result of two people on opposite sides of the world sharing a determination to change the experience of people going through menopause.

Founded by Grace Molloy and Deborah Garlick, Menopause Friendly Australia is a circuit-breaker for companies experiencing the loss of productivity, gender diversity and psychosocial safety associated by the surge in the number of menopausal people in the workplace.

Seeing Australian businesses lose experienced leaders early due to menopause symptoms, Grace made it her mission to ensure employers have access to the support they need to help women thrive through this stage of life.

An Australian Registered Nurse with a Big 4 background in financial audit, business development and commercial partnership, Grace noted Deborah’s world-leading experience as CEO and founder of the UK’s chief provider of menopause workplace services.

Through Menopause in the Workplace and The Menopause Friendly Accreditation, Deborah has been instrumental helping British companies harness the potential of menopausal workers.

Her work has yielded real results: in 2016, virtually no employers had a menopause policy or guidance document in place. Within three years, almost a third of UK organisations had incorporated a specific menopause mission statement into their HR policies. Her workplace training reached over 174,000 people across the UK in 2022.

Instrumental to this change was the increasing number of the UK’s leading employers committed to being, or achieving independent accreditation as Menopause Friendly employers. Over 400 organisations have committed to becoming Menopause Friendly, and 47 have achieved Accredited status.

Menopause Friendly Australia is now using this tried, tested and trusted support to help Australian businesses improve productivity, diversity and workplace wellbeing .

Grace Molloy
Deborah Garlick

Why partner with us?

Tried, tested, trusted. Partnering with leading organisations in the UK, with the reputation as the industry-leading mark of of excellence for menopause in the workplace.

Australian business supported by UK’s experience and practices


The Menopause Friendly Accreditation launched in the UK


Tried tested and trusted, supporting 100s of employers

Trusted partner for leading UK employers across all industries

The Australian Employers leading the way

“At AngloGold Ashanti Australia we want every employee to feel that they belong and can thrive. Becoming a Menopause Friendly employer, having open conversations, and providing the right support, is important for the wellbeing of all of our employees that are affected by menopause – whether they are experiencing the symptoms themselves, or supporting a team member or loved one.”

Anglogold Ashanti – Nicola Thomson, VP People and Culture

“Grace recently hosted an awareness session for ABN Group as part of our THRIVE wellbeing program. It was hugely successful with not only a high level of attendees, but also record levels of interaction and engagement. Since this session, we have had multiple requests for additional information and look forward to continuing to work with Grace and the Menopause Friendly Australia team.

ABN Group – Kerry McNamee , Employee Engagement Manager

The journey to a menopause friendly UK

Back in 2016, there wasn’t an employer in the UK with a menopause policy or guidance document.
Today, it’s a fast growing ‘must have‘ for responsible employers. Read more…

Male-dominated BAE Systems says menopause support vital for staff and business

The company has been given Menopause Friendly status and has rolled out menopause awareness training to more than 10,000 staff across its bases. Head of Supply Chain, Jordan Hunter says the training gave him much more understanding of his team.

HSBC UK, first direct and M&S Bank are the UK’s first accredited Menopause Friendly Employers

Their efforts include: training 50 menopause advocates and 75 champions, holding weekly lunch-and-learns, launching a menopause page on their employee wellbeing hubs, redesigning uniforms, simplifying policies and equipping counselling services.

Southeastern accredited
as menopause-friendly

Maureen Dominey, Chair of the Women’s Network Group at Southeastern said “We have more than 500 female employees aged 40 above, but it’s important to remember that it’s not just women that menopause affects, it’s everyone around them too.”

What Menopause Friendly members say…

Supporting the wellbeing of all our people is central to first direct’s success and helping all our managers and colleagues better understand and feel comfortable talking about menopause is the right thing to do – for our people, and our business.

Chris Pitt, Chief Executive

first direct

It is wonderful that West Ham United has been named as the first Premier League Club to recieve the Menopause Friendly Accreditation and on behalf of everyone at the Club I would like to say how proud we are.

Karren Brady, Vice-Chairman

West Ham United

I am incredibly proud of our achievement and the work we have done to accomplish our aim of being accredited as a menopause friendly employer. The fact that we are the first organisation in Wales to do so makes the news extra special.

Cheryl Royal, Career Development Partner

Chwarae Teg

Be amongst Australia’s inspirational 
Menopause Friendly Employers.

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